Talk by Nicola Turner Inman
Tuesday 25th March 2025
6.30p.m. for 7.00p.m. at Holy Cross Church, Felsted CM6 3DG
Nicola Turner Inman, Curator of Decorative Arts, Royal Collection Trust, will be giving at talk entitled “Hidden Treasures from the Royal Collection”.
Nicola Turner Inman has been involved in many exciting projects over the past 12years including the current Reservicing Project of Buckingham Palace. She willgive an insight to the formation of the Collection, the personal quirks andacquisitive tastes of the monarchs who have added to it through the centuriesand its relevance to today’s world.
Tickets £25 for members and £30 for non-members to include wine and canapes available from social@friendsofessexchurches.org.uk or Ticketebo (telephone: 01617 680580)